Welcome to the HATTON FAMILY TIME request system. We as a company realize the importance of taking time off to be with family and time for all of us to recharge our batteries. Making memories with family and friends is a huge part of our core values at Hatton. A great friend once told me that I won't be thinking about work while lying on my deathbed, but rather the memories I had made with family and friends. With this in mind, we'll be adopting a system that will help simplify the process of requesting and obtaining time off in order to make those memories.

The HATTON FAMILY TIME system will help communicate and coordinate our "Vacation" days, as well as our "Partial" days off. We'll do our best to grant as many requests as possible, but please be sure to submit your requests ASAP before the slot allotments are all taken. Dispatch will respond via email if your requests are approved.

Looking forward to implementing this new system and continuing to make more lifts and more memories. Thanks Team!